Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Written Yesterday

Notes from yesterday's adventures...the internet here is spotty

Yesterday...I think...I spent the day with C in San Fran. I'll keep it brief because OliverNina will be doing a post on the adventures, but in short it was awesome. The weather was beautiful and this shot about sums it up. I also had the added bonus of seeing an old friend M. Wish I could have spent more time with her, but life is crazy. 

So the only appropriate way to officially start out my first blog post in Asia is to be somewhere completely weird. I'm in a non-descriptive building in Kowloon Hong Kong. Which, unknown to me until a few minutes ago, is on the mainland. I'm sitting on my bag with one sore bum (14hr plane rides do these things to you) in what appears to be the lobby of place we are staying in tonight. Although you wouldn't know it from an alcove in a hallway if it weren't for the sign on the door. On second thought, 'lobby' is an extreme understatement. I'm in a hallway with a small computer and a sign that reads 'lunch/dinner time call me, will be right back' except it's 8:30 in the am and I don't have a sim card so I'm SOL.

We are here, waiting for Simon, in what I've gathered to be the building we are supposed to be staying in tonight. Tomorrow we will be moving onwards to stay at a CSers place (that is if I ever get a chance to figure out how one gets a SIM card in these parts). 

I'm excited for the journey ahead and even more excited to have MB here. His current state of absolute culture shock is quite entertaining. Watching him sit on a stool made for a person about half his size  and try to decipher a map of Hong Kong is something out of a comedy sketch. His opening line upon arrival in this 'lobby' was something along the lines of "the organizational system here has one  point: making no sense." Very true. Having been to Asia a few times I had a subtle idea of what to expect upon arrival. However, nothing could have prepared me for the drive past the international industrial ports....boxes...boxes...and MORE boxes. It literally never ended. It made you wonder not only how many cargo containers of contraband and humans there were, damn the world has a lot of shit in it. 

Simon is here! to be continued...

Part II: Into the CF frying pan

We spent the morning wandering around Hong Kong, on the Kowloon side of things. By wandering I really mean getting lost, as I think almost every turn we decided to take was the wrong one. Lots of back tracking, lots of confusion, and lots of WTF moments. But hey, it's Asia and that's part of the experience. It really doesn't matter how nice things are or how much English there is getting used to being back in a place that operates on a completely different set of rules takes a little time. 

I've never been to China, even though Hong Kong isn't technically China, it's enough to feel like a kick in the pants. It's bloody hot...I mean really effing hot. And was 86 degrees by 7:30am. The roads here make no damn sense and randomly enjoy changing names (although I WILL say that everything is labeled, which is nice). It's annoying because although you can jay walk here, they do corral you to certain points of inconvenient crosswalks (like half-way down a street you don't need to go down). The pollution is not a myth. What I thought was a foggy mist upon landing is a perpetual haze of eye-burning car/factory farts. 

Alas, enough complaining it is an amazing organism of a city. There is a familiar hustle and bustle to the place like that of NYC, the skyline is absolutely stunning (and enormous). The dim sum we had for late breakfast wasn't half bad, and the place isn't as expensive as I first thought. Groceries are reasonable (we bought two large beers, two yogurts, and some mango for under ten bucks). I've also found that help is everywhere. There are people in the subways eager to help you figure out how the hell the whole thing works (the lines are easy to figure out, it's the station exits and entrances that are a mystery). The tourism stations are a huge plus (hey, I came all this way, I'm going to do some cliche sites!). There is definitely enough to do in the amount of time we are here. 

Today we walked around the harbor front and got some skyline views..this was where I was supposed to put pictures...but I can't figure out how to do it...grrrrr. I'll try upoloading to facebook and then linking them in...

Also went to the flower market after getting lost in a part of town.

Next to the flower market is the bird market. It was pretty neat because the tourists either hadn't arrived or had already gone through so it was quiet and all you could here in a city filled with machines was the chirping of birds. 

Right now we are taking that (much needed) mid day shower, basking in the air con, and trying to gain some strength to stay awake and adjust to the time (we've been up since around 2am local time...blurg). This evening's plan is to see some night skyline, maybe grab a beer somewhere, and hit up the night market for some cheap eats. Tomorrow we are going to tour around Hong Kong Island and meet our CS host. 

Cheers from the road
-M and MB

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