Wednesday, November 28, 2012

DIY Obsession

     After coming to the realization that I won't be going on any 6 week epic trips anytime soon, I thought I would start writing about other things I am up to. Without jumping on the soap box too much, I'm a strong proponent of DIY. Honestly anyone can do such things if they want to, and the result is something more unique than anything you can find in the store; in fact, it's often times better. Since I have a lot of time on my hands (only so long one can troll the internet and harass contacts for work) I've gotten back into making things. Ah the idle hands of the architecture student can only go un-used for so long. Sounds kinda dirty, but you get what I mean.

     Hopefully I can inspire some of you as well. Re-use is easy, simply take something that is still useful, but you may not use and find a better use for it. In the case of jewelry deconstruct it and use your favorite pieces elsewhere, if it's an old candle, buy some new wicks and melt down the rest of it and re-use it (just don't make some of the mistakes I've made, described below).

     My current obsession has been wrapping things. Wrapping things quickly re-vamps things or add an extra something to a new project and it's easy to do, making it a perfect beginner project. The actual process can seem somewhat tedious, but you can just put on some of your favorite tunes or a TV show to help you pass the time. I have lots of hemp and embroidery floss left over from my friendship bracelet days, and my mom has an extensive under-used collection that I've happily taken advantage of.

A few examples of some projects after the break!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Groove, Jams, ADD, COOKIES!!!

    Well, my finger is healing up nicely, thanks for asking. However, I have recently encountered another problem. Working out while recovering from a cold/mangled digit. In fact, I was much looking forward to getting back to my routine at L'Ru Studios. I was going to buy classes with my newfound birthday money until last Friday happened. Instead I am stuck with a very limited amount of movement make it difficult to even visit the gym upstairs. Oh, but fear not my friends, I didn't sign up to be in the creative industry for nothing...

   When a practical solution doesn't exist, invent one. I have been battling ADD most of my life - oh....look at the sky!! - making things like housework nearly unbearable without some type of distraction, namely music. While MB studied for the bar, this habit translated over to cooking as well; replacing the "family-friendly" cooking conversation into a full fledged dance party complete with headphones.

   Today I spent the day baking various things and cleaning the house - wifey I know. While I'd love to go on about the awesomeness of my oatmeal cookies (recipe found here) I think I'll share some tracks that are essential for what I like to call cook-aerobics-fantasmic-dance-off. NOTE: if you have hard wood floors socks are highly encouraged...the more slide in your step the better.

    I fully endorse any shameless music choices found beyond the break. I spit on musical elitists because I can, I used to be one. Everyone is entitled to their own playlist and anyone who pretends to be above anyone else always has skeletons hidden in their iTunes...don't kid yourselves.

Thank me later....more after the break.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Finger Socks

     Oh hello world. I am feeling oh so cheery today...mmmm sarcasm. I was thinking lately about a post on my recent travels, my refreshing visit to Kansas to visit my dear friend C whom you have all read about during my great Malaysian adventure. I was going to say something about how awesome it feels to see someone who you not only met across the world, but hails from yet another world and now inhabits your own country. Or perhaps I should blog about turning another year older and how I have this false feeling, at the ripe age of 26, of getting old. Maybe even talk about the "awesome" celebration I had...which didn't exist because I spent the day delusional and sick in bed. During that discussion of bodily illness I could just divulge in how I had to run home and take care of my dog that now is on an uber-expensive diet because she could develop bladder stones. No...that doesn't seem to fit either.

    Needless to say, this week was not kind to me. Oh no not at all. Granted, I know my little complaints are nothing compared to what a majority of the population faces every day. However, I wouldn't call being sick on one's birthday, dealing with an ailing pet, or visiting a good friend don't really fall under the umbrella of 'first world problems.' I would consider these things more universal in nature. Now that I've gotten them out there on the "cloud" one would think it would be time to close this post. Boy do I hate the word "cloud" it makes the internet feel quite douchey to be honest. Ah, I digress, yet again, I am really going to write about this fine Friday morning/afternoon. Because there is quite the tale to tell...behold: The Tale of the Exploding Lightbulb.